This resource library is filled with different materials to aid you on your grant writing journey! Please check here often or subscribe to our newsletter to get updates on when we post new materials.
FY25 P&M and EMI NOFOs are due Monday, April 14, 2025 at 11:59pm EST. Updates on the FY25 SEDS NOFOs will be announced soon. Check out the resources below to help your organization prepare your application.
ANA Applicant Resources
Visit the ANA Applicant Resources page and find resources related to ANA’s Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs). These resources include an application training webinar, templates, and example documents to support applicants responding to the NOFOs.
Not ready to apply for an ANA grant this funding cycle? Use the resources below to develop your project idea.
2022 Project Planning and Development Manual
If you're not ready to apply for an ANA grant during the FY2023 funding cycle, please check out our Project Planning & Development manual to help develop your project idea into a project outline that can be used to apply for any funding.
Consider becoming an ANA Panel Reviewer.
Being a panel reviewer is an integral part of ANA’s funding process and allows a seat at the table for Native panel reviewers where other Native communities projects are being reviewed. This is an opportunity to provide the Native perspective for Indigenous people across the nation. Serving on a review panel can be professionally rewarding but also an intensive time commitment. Read the full requirements on ANA's website.
To register, click the "Register/Update Profile" button. Please contact the Pacific TTA Center if you have any questions or do not hear back after applying.
For the full list of resources posted by ANA, visit ANA's Resource Library.
ANA’s Resource Library
Search manuals, toolkits, webinars and helpful information that can help you develop and manage projects to support your Native Communities.